Endgame Entrepreneurship

Online Masterclass

Laurie Barkman is the host of the award winning show: Succession Story Podcast, and author of the bestselling book: “The Business Transition Handbook | How to Avoid Succession Pitfalls and Create Valuable Exit Options.”

The Endgame Entrepreneurship Masterclass is for business owners like you, so you can build your business with the exit in mind. Learn today how to avoid the succession regrets of tomorrow. 

Laurie Barkman, The Business Transition Sherpa

Laurie Barkman is the host of the award winning show: Succession Stories Podcast, and author of the bestselling book: “The Business Transition Handbook | How to Avoid Succession Pitfalls and Create Valuable Exit Options.”

The Endgame Entrepreneurship Masterclass is for business owners like you, so you can build your business with the exit in mind. Learn today how to avoid the succession regrets of tomorrow. 

Consider this: 100 percent of owners will leave their business one day. But few are prepared. Are you?

When you’re ready to sell, the company may not be sell-ready–leaving you out of time and unrewarded.

Most entrepreneurs are too busy to begin thinking about the end. But you may be leaving money—and your happiness—on the table. It’s crucial to start planning for your transition, whether it comes next year or in a decade.

The Endgame Entrepreneurship Masterclass demystifies the often overwhelming exit process, guiding business owners who are considering leaving their ventures or simply beginning to think about their next steps.

Endgame Entrepreneurship Online Course
Endgame Entrepreneurship Online Course

The Endgame Entrepreneurship Online Masterclass will help you learn how to:

  • Personally prepare for a business transition
  • Determine what your business is worth
  • Focus on value building; reduce transferability risk
  • Consider family or management successors
  • Prepare for the selling process
  • Put a strategic transition plan together
  • and more…

Endgame Entrepreneurship prepares owners to navigate the emotional and practical nature of the transition process so you can exit on your terms and avoid succession regrets.

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Endgame Entrepreneurship Masterclass: Building With The Exit In Mind