Jun 10, 2024

162: Revolutionize Your Business Post-Bankruptcy, Greg McDonough

Host Laurie Barkman, The Business Transition Sherpa, is joined by Greg McDonough, Managing Partner of Blackburn Capital Advisors and host of the Chief Endurance Officer Podcast. 

Listen in as they discuss navigating a business turnaround through bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can be viewed as a tool for recovery rather than a sign of failure. 

Greg discusses his experience isolating the root cause of the company’s financial issues and creating breathing room from creditors to reorganize fixed costs and debts.Greg also shares how his passion for endurance sports gave him the resilience that he needed to get through the restructuring process.

Learn when bankruptcy might be a solution. After all, hope isn’t a strategy when it comes to solving cash flow problems.

Listen in to learn more about:

  • How isolating the root cause of financial struggles and making deeper cuts early can help turn a business around

  • Why companies should view the bankruptcy process as a tool for recovery rather than a sign of failure

  • Importance of resilience and endurance for entrepreneurs facing challenges 

  • Address the risk of tying financial recovery only to revenue projections

Find Greg McDonough Here: 




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Learn more about the Endgame Entrepreneurship Masterclass and build with your exit in mind. 


My Links:

🌐 Website: https://TheBusinessTransitionSherpa.com

⏰️ Meet With Laurie: https://thebusinesstransitionsherpa.com/connect/



Get a free digital copy of “The Business Transition Handbook: How To Avoid Succession Pitfalls and Create Valuable Exit Options” by author Laurie Barkman: 


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“A game changer to help you win in your exit and in life.”


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