Aug 16, 2023

Build a Company Worth Buying, Laurie Barkman on BookThinkers


Laurie Barkman, author of “The Business Transition Handbook”, had the pleasure to be on the BookThinkers podcast hosted by Luke Gifford and Nick Hutchison. In this episode, you’ll learn all about Laurie’s book, hear some interesting succession stories, why it’s important to build a company worth buying, and what you can do to set yourself up for a successful exit! Don’t be like the majority who run out of time and options.

Laurie, the business transition sherpa, is the former CEO of a company that did $100 million dollars in yearly revenue that was sold to a Fortune 50 company. She now provides Strategic Business Transition Planning (pre-M&A services) with her firm, SmallDotBig. Laurie is a wife, mother, and adjunct professor of entrepreneurship at Carnegie Mellon University, she also hosts the award-winning podcast Succession Stories!



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The Business Transition Handbook

The Business Transition Handbook

Preparing owners to navigate the emotional and practical nature of the transition process so you can exit on your terms and avoid succession regrets.

“A game changer to help you win in your exit and in life.”


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