If your goal is to build a more valuable company in 2021, here are some “new year” resolutions to consider: 1. Stop chasing revenue. A bigger company is not necessarily a more valuable one if the extra sales come from products and services that are too...
Analysis from The Value Builder System shows entrepreneurs’ changing attitudes around exit planning as a result of COVID-19. This pessimism seems to be impacting business owners’ future plans for their exit. Traditionally, many small businesses have been passed...
Calculate your EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization): Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) is a measure of profitability that excludes expense items that are determined by your financing strategies...
When was the last time you calculated the percentage of your net worth tied to your company’s value? When you started your business, its value was probably negligible. Unless you purchased or inherited your company, it wasn’t worth much when you opened your doors, but...
If you’re leading a mature, multi-generational company, you might be wondering how to innovate. Take notes from a startup expert. When you think of innovative companies, you might think of an industry leader like Apple or a fast-growing rocketship like Airbnb or...
Guests on The Succession Stories Podcast share their favorite quotes about entrepreneurship and leadership with Laurie Barkman. “If you think you know what you’re doing today wait for tomorrow.” ― Beth Armknecht Miller | Episode 36 “In...